Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jelly Bellies and Theology

I'm finding out more and more that, with a husband who spends the majority of his hours immersed in theology and philosophy, the gap between the secular and the sacred is becoming less and less in a diversity of aspects in our home. A good thing? be the judge....

One of the most recent and frequent victims of his theology has become our bowl of Jelly Belly candies. His theory, which he is quick to share with all who come through our door and dig into the small and difficult-to-keep-full dish, is that everyone eats them, even if they don't particularly like them for the very simple reason that they cater directly to our sin nature. (What a great marketing scheme since that is the one thing every living person has in common!) Let me explain him further. Minus the buttered popcorn which should very obviously be condemned from ever existing in the form of a jelly bean, they are very tasty, hense, satisifying the lust of the flesh. But according to him, it goes one step further. They also cater to the lust of the eyes because they incite a curiosity that keeps you wanting to try the next curious colour which eventually, when followed through to its end will lead to obesity. I'm so thankful for such a biblically-minded husband. ;)

Does this mean I should repent of eating Jelly Bellies?

(I love my husband - he keeps me smiling!) ;)

1 comment:

  1. hahahah Gotta tell ya I really liked this post! Cant wait to meet you guys again!!! What a great thing the Lord has done to us my dear sister!!! We are both married with very funny husbands! ahahaha
