Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Did you know that...


...that dates grow on palm trees? 
(...and that date milkshakes don't taste as bad as they sound?)

 ...that palm trees in their natural environment look a little less trim than those lining the streets of LA?

...that California is going to fall into the ocean?

...that grapefruit you picked yourself tastes so much better?

 ...that my brother is 
extremely handsome?

 At the beginning of March I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting up with my Dad, Mom, Brother and Grandparents in California. I left the poor husband at home pouring over books and papers and sadly, Mandy and Sarah were also unable to come. We spent the first couple of days in Anaheim with Mickey Mouse and then drove to Palm Springs where my Grandparents have been hiding from winter since February. Too much fun was had riding the Tower of Terror and California Screamin', showing G&G all our favourite spots in the Disney parks, shopping, eating, touring the desert, drinking date milkshakes and Sonic cream slushes, picking grapefruits right off the tree; but what I enjoyed the most was just being with them all. I flew out of Palm Springs 5 days later, putting my back out while trying to stow my carry-on which I had stashed full of fresh me-picked grapefruits, back to my home and my husband (who, yes, I did miss very much)!

It was such a blessing to be able to spend some time with my family. I'm such a spoiled girl! family is the best!


  1. Yes, Mitchell is very handsome. And yes, you have an awesome family. But I'll just have to take your word for the tastiness of date milkshakes...still not too sure about that one :) So glad you guys had a great time! ~Les

  2. Dates remind me of old people. I don't know why. But they seemed fitting for a Palm Springs attraction because the demographics of Palm Springs definately equals mostly 65 years and above! Mitch and I split a half of one shake because we were afraid, even after G&G talked them up so much! But I was very surpised...

  3. date milkshakes don't sound too great to me, either. :)
