For the relationship we share with Christ, though Christ; for the relationship we share with each other; for our families; for health; for God's continual provision for Mike to attend school here at Southwestern; for our friends far away from us; for the friendships he's brought into our lives since we've moved to Texas - for all of these (and more) WE ARE THANKFUL!
Today, on this American Thanksgiving day, we were blessed and renewed in our thankfulness for the friendships that the Lord has brought into our lives. Jackson and Heather were one of the first couples we got to know after moving to Texas over a year ago; and, as we have spent time with them, we have come to appreciate their love for the Lord, their love for their family, and their love for people. Their hospitality has been extended to us on more than one occasion (which means so much when being so far from family and friends we've spent most of our lives with) and today they gave us a taste (literally :)) of their family's thanksgiving traditions. It was a blessing to spend the day with them and their sweet boys! And now we've officially experienced our first American, football, hockey, apple pie, and all! :)
we are so thankful for ya'll