Thursday, September 15, 2011

A new venture...

I married the son of an Italian and little did I know but at that time I was also marrying myself to salami, olives, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, tomatoes, focaccia, pizza, pasta and everything and anything with a little garlic, basil, and parsley. Just a couple of weeks ago he told me that he probably wouldn't have married me if I didn't like balsamic vinegar (jokingly, of course ;)). When visiting Mike's family I often find myself amused by how much of the conversation can center around food; they know their food and they know how to cook it too (and it is delicious)! I thoroughly enjoy cooking for my husband and especially trying to make those things which he particularly loves, although he never complains no matter what I place on the table before him and very rarely leaves a meal without praising it and thanking me for making it (and even periodically joins in the fun of the preparation).

Well, my newest venture has a lot to do with my husband's love of food and has been something I have actually thought about trying to do for over a year now: growing some of my own herbs. Texas gets a lot of sun and our apartment has huge windows facing both east and west so it really is an ideal place and time to try it out. But I know nothing of it; well, nothing except what Google has told me. So hopefully I don't kill them before we can at least enjoy them a little.

Let me introduce you to parsley 1, parsley 2, and basil:

(...if I master these I just might try growing a salami tree - it would sure save us some money! ;)

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